Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's Going On?

It's been a while since I've had the time or the peace of mind to sit and write. I think I do this sometimes more for myself than anything else. It helps me to get things down in black and white to sort things out.
I've been going through a strange phase in my walk with God lately. I am, and always will be in love with God. I know all too well where I would be without Him in my life and I am always aware and thankful that He rescued me from the pit at the age of 19. But lately I've been...indifferent. Not sure how else to describe it. Not much exciting me about the things of God or church. I feel like I'm just doing everything I've always done but without the fire and passion. Kinda a dry time.
I have been a Christian a long time and I know this comes with the territory. It's the same as marriage. Goes through dry, dispassionate times as well. It does take intentionality and effort to make things more interesting, on both fronts. Just don't want to do ANYTHING. It's an effort to just go to church. It's an effort, and I guess I want it to be effortless. Dreaming??
I've recently changed churches. The beginning of the summer I left the church I've been attending for 6 years and started serving in the Nursery department on Sunday mornings. When you leave one church that you've gotten used to and become quite attached to and serve somewhere else there is always a transition phase. I've gratefully served with the babies at St. James and will continue to do so, but I went from intense worship every Thursday night and Sunday with the choir of my last church to where I am now. I sometimes wonder why I was in choir for all that time? It was such a blessing to ME, I often wondered how God got anything out of it at all! Worship will always be a huge part of my DNA but I do miss the "expression" I was able to give to my faith at New Life.
Where do I go from here? That is what I am trying to figure out. Where do I belong in the plan of God? I know it's not just to sit in a room with babies on Sunday mornings. There's more. Maybe writing? Maybe? Not sure. Right now, I'm so dry, I don't even WANT TO attend a Bible study or even read the Bible. Just venting. I'll move past this. It's just a phase. But it feels weird.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Relational Dynamics

First of all, I apologize for not blogging in quite some time. I've had my laptop hijacked by my daughter who is homeschooling part time now, so I don't have as much access to this thing. I still have so many thoughts running through my head and so I am here again to share with you, whoever wants to read.

I've been thinking this weekend about how some people seem to be more "relational" than others. I am extremely relational. Always have been. I wondered if this helped me in my walk with God and my willingness to completely accept Him as my Lord & Savior. I mean, when I got saved in 1985 I did so with reckless abandon. I had an empty cup and after it was overflowing! I was changed...completely. No one today would recognize me as the same person.

I think the fact that God has made me a person who enjoys deep, intimate personal relationships with others has helped me to dive into my relationship with Him. And it also makes me wonder if the people I know who are not so comfortable with relating to others have a more difficult time completely allowing God to take over their hearts and lives? I mean, it may just be a more gradual process. I see God at work in everyone around me yet we are all at different phases and levels of understanding in our walk with God.

God IS love. So to be close to Him is easy if WE are willing to surrender. If not, He will not force us. He loves us but He is not interested in a relationship if we are not. Same thing is true with us as humans. I mean, I wouldn't want to have a friendship with someone who didn't want one with me.

Our closeness to God is subject to us and how much we are willing to surrender. Christianity is not about behavior and is about love. Surrender. Relationship. And He walks us through this process at our own individual pace. He is patient and He knows we are worth the wait.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

HCG Diet Status

Hi Friends!

Well, I've been working a lot more lately, so I haven't taken the time to blog. I apologize. I do want to sit at the computer and do this MORE not less. It's something that fills me, something I enjoy. I will try to do it more often. On the work front I went from VillaKids to the front desk at VillaSport in May. I am happy with the change. The new "family" I work with is really great! I am also finding it is meeting a social need I have. I am not going out as much with friends now but that is because I am with people all day and when I come home I am more content just being with the fam.

Anyway, to update you about the diet, I did two rounds of HCG. I lost a total of 24 pounds and 17 inches. Yay! I'm super happy with the results! I wanted to "weigh" less when all was said and done, but I believe I can achieve the rest with regular eating right and exercise. I feel great and can do a lot more even with just the 24 lbs. off my body. SO GLAD to have a waist again!

I don't know if I can adequately express how hard it is for someone who was never heavy to have extra weight on my body that I simply could not shed! I had this weight on me in increasing measure for about 8 years. It was so hard for me to accept the fact that I was not thin anymore. It never felt right. I did try to lose it through other diets and even just "healthy eating' but it just kept getting worse not better. I was so used to the way I was as a young woman where I could eat anything and not gain weight. I even stopped eating the way I used to and ate a lot less...but it didn't change anything.

After the diet I have maintained pretty well and I am determined to keep it off and actually lose more. I'm telling everyone I know about it because I think once you lose the weight and maintain it, you feel a lot more confident about keeping it off in the future. It is a wonderful thing! If you have any weight to lose I highly recommend this diet! It worked for me and I think it completely changed the way I think about food. A treat for me now is Almond Dream Ice Cream! (If you've never tried have to, it is AMAZING!)

On another note, we are getting to take a vacation this year to New Jersey and we are SUPER excited about it! It is a much needed vacation! Bobby's parents are generously treating us to this trip and I can't wait to put my toes in the sand on the beach! I might even sleep on the beach! I'm thankful! Summer is my favorite season. So far it's been a lot of great changes. Stay tuned for more updates.


Friday, May 13, 2011

My Dream

I have long dreamt of owning a Bed & Breakfast overlooking the ocean....somewhere in the United States. I am hoping this dream turns into a reality sometime in the next 20 years. I think about it often and picture what the house will look like. I hear the roar of the ocean as I lay in bed at night. Right now, it's a distant dream. It won't always be, I hope.

So in the meantime, I am landlocked. I live in Colorado by God's direction and honestly, He has made me love it here. I love the beauty of the mountains, the dry clean air, the 315 days of sun per year. I love the fact that my hair can be straight here without frizz! (That won't be true when living next to the ocean!) I know this is where God wants us so that makes it a blessing to be here.

God has also provided a vacation for our family this summer. We were not going to be able to take a vacation this summer just like last summer due to lack of finances. I am so thankful that I can stand on a beach with the sand in my toes this summer! It is all I can think about now that we got our plane tickets! I am so excited! It is amazing how much you appreciate something when you haven't had it in a while! In this case I am referring to a vacation to the beach.

I am also thinking about food because I'm back on the 500 calorie diet! When I was on the maintenace plan I did not gain any weight and enjoyed my food like you can't believe! I think I am on the path to understanding how to live and eat healthy for the rest of my life. It is a blessing to have discovered this diet! It has really transformed how I think about food. According to my "goal weight" in my mind I am only 5 lbs. away from that but I think I will wind up losing more. I really just want to be back in a size 8 and I will feel like "myself" again. That is the size I wore "pre-baby". I think it's as it should be.

I will post the before and after shortly! Thanks for reading my crazy rambling thoughts! : )

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Reflections

During this phase of my life I do a lot of reflection. On the past, on the present and definitely the future! I am starting to realize that I want to become the person God has created me to be in the second half of my life. I guess according to statistics my life is "half over". Ha ha. Sounds funny to me! I feel like a 20 year old.

Anyway, my mid life re-evaluation will be a productive healthy thing. I will not get tatoos or piercings or even a red corvette! (Although I really want a red Mini Cooper with white racing stripes!) I look at who I've been in the past, and sometimes with regret I mourn the loss of friends I've made irreversible mistakes with. I have learned from those mistakes and will NEVER make the same one twice. I do wish I could go back to my 20's sometimes and be less selfish. I didn't realize just how selfish I was then.

Now that I am older and hopefully wiser, I want God to make me the woman He wants me to be. I want to fulfill His purposes for my life. I want to reflect Him to those around me. Like the moon reflects the sun. I have no "light" in me other than His light. I think I can be a reflector! I can do that. I am submitted to Him and His will. Not much else matters to me.

In relationships, I am learning that God has a "will" for me too. Maybe I feel too much or too deeply sometimes, but I'd rather be a passionate person with real thoughts and opinions than a person without a "personality". I may not always agree with you but I will be agreeable, to the best of my ability. I want to be a light. Whatever it takes. I just don't want to fade into the background. I want to have a voice. I need to be heard...which is what Oprah says she has learned about every human being. We want to be heard.

My opinion is not more important than anyone else's though. If you differ, I am okay with that. I can differ with people and still be completely respectful of their personhood. If you disagree with me about an issue, it's okay, and I can hear and appreciate your opinion. I will not belittle you or make you feel bad for disagreeing with me. One thing we are all entitled to is an opinion, right?

So, since Jesus died to make my life and yours completely fulfilled and meaningful, let's stop bickering over petty things. His death, burial and ressurection was for more than this. It is not what the life in Christ is all about. I hope I can be a peacemaker and a light to those around me. Happy Easter friends!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The "Clique"

I'm a bit behind the curve with female friendships. I didn't have a "clique" in High School that I belonged to because I despised that type of mentality. Actually, that is why I didn't become a cheerleader in HS. I was a cheerleader up until that point of my life. In HS it was more like a club. I didn't want to be in a club where the girls somehow thought they were better than others because they were pretty or whatever. I still feel that way. I don't identify with one group, I like everyone, from all walks of life. The word "clique" means; a small, exclusive circle of people. Many times, within adult groups, I don't believe this is the intent, for a clique to form I mean. Usually it is a group of people who have some common interests who get together socially. Everyone is welcome, but after a while, only certain people get the "invitation". Others are inevitably left out. About a year ago my husband and I were trying to form a group of friends that we could socialize with once a month for a dinner club. It was fun while it lasted, but of course it came to it's inevitable end. I also started doing a girls night out with whoever wanted to join us. I believe it ended because it wasn't God's plan for me. Like I said, we were trying to form friendships. I wasn't aware of the formation of a clique, but I'm sure some people viewed it as such. It's a different view...from the outside looking in. I am no longer interested in going out with groups of people. I think that is the stage my oldest daughter is in. (she's 13) She will hang out with groups of girls and socialize that way. I am in a stage of life where I am trusting God to lead me in my friendships. I only go out one-on-one now unless it's a movie or something where the opportunity to socialize is not really there. I know I am getting to know these people better. I enjoy it more and feel more connected to my friends this way. I guess I am saying all of this because I've been thinking about how cliques form lately. I see them at work and at church and...well, pretty much everywhere! It's not for me. Well, to each his own, but I know the friends I have are gifts from God and I treasure each one of you! This is not an "exclusive" group! There's always room for more! : )

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Diet Update

Okay, it's been a while since I have written here so I apologize up front. I need to get more regular with writing. It is cathartic for me when I take the time to do it. So here goes. I am in Phase 3 of the diet. I lost 20 pounds on the 500 calorie phase and stopped losing the last week of that phase, so I decided to go back to it in May. I want to lose about 8-10 more pounds, so I need to do another round, but it will not be as long, maybe 2 weeks. Not really sure how many inches I've lost. Last time I measured it was 11 inches, so not bad. I want more...what can I say! I know I will never do a diet like this again so it's a one time deal or I guess a two time deal. In Phase 3 you get to eat whatever you want whenever you want to, minus sugar and starches. It feels so great after the 500 calorie diet to eat cheese and a variety of vegetables and snacks. It feels like a whole new world is opened up to me. I don't think I will ever go back to eating sugar regularly again either. I don't really miss it. I will have cake on my birthday and a dessert at a restaurant occasionally, but I will not be eating it regularly at home. I used to get headaches almost daily and they have almost gone away completely. So for all the people who are waiting for me to gain the weight back, you don't know me very well! I was never overweight as a kid and I was just waiting for the right thing to get me to my proper weight. I will NOT gain it back. Trust me. It has been on me too long and I've felt bad about myself for too long. Never again! This weekend I am going out for a full shopping day with some friends to celebrate the weight loss as well as to get a few new pieces of I need the basics in smaller sizes so that is really exciting! I'm looking forward to it! I plan on putting a before and after picture on facebook and this blog when I've lost all the weight, most likely in May, so watch for that. My face already looks so much thinner. Thanks for your support and encouragement friends! It has meant so much to me!